Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Each year we switch off this holiday with mine and Jason's families. This year it was my family and instead of going to my parents we hosted Easter at our house! I love hosting any sort of get-together, especially holidays with family. So I've been planning the menu, bought some cute spring napkins and got my egg dying kit! Here was my menu...
Pear and parsnip soup - recipe from a friend's chef husband
Salad w/ great veggie toppings and homemade balsamic vinagrette
Roasted potatoes with garlic, shallot and rosemary seasoning
Flaky rolls
Lemon Icebox pie for dessert!

Everything turned out really good. Of course my soup wasn't quite as good as the the one made by the pro, but not bad for my first try! I even got my brothers to try some. :) After dinner we played the Wii that they just bought, it was pretty fun! I'm not too good at tennis, bowling...uh, who am I kidding, I wasn't good at any of them! But it was funny to watch everyone.

Not much else going on...I have a day trip to Houston for some training tomorrow and am excited to have booked Southwest business class and get extra Reward points! I know, dorky that I'm excited about that!

OHHHH - 2 things I forgot! I went to Lake Austin Spa with some friends on my day off last Friday and it was so nice and relaxing!!! I wish I could afford to go once a month, you completely de-stress when you are there. It motivated me to do some more planting in my yard so that I can be surrounded by beautiful plants and get a little bit of the resort feel in my own backyard. AND - I bought a converter for the outlets in France at the mall, we leave in less than 2 weeks!!!! I can't believe it's that soon! I need to work on my Coffee Break French a little more between now and then. Oh and I went to DSW to look for some cute shoes and was very disappointed, my goal this week is to find a new outfit and shoes to take to Paris!

Ok, so that's it for now - have a great week!


Monday, March 17, 2008

Catching up

Catching up...the title of my blog and recent story of my life. So yes I know that I do not have the excuse of going into labor or having a newborn as to why I have not posted but I have been busy!

Weekend of Feb a shower for my friend Whitney. Everything went great and so much thanks to the other hostesses for all the work that everyone did!

Hostesses - Christy, Amy, Lisa, me, Whitney (mom-to-be), Anya, Briana and Myra

Beautiful table set up of all the goodies!!!

Awesome cake and gorgeous flowers! Ok, seriously, this cake was sooooo good! The icing was especially tasty, very rich buttercream and a thick layer of it!!! YUMM-O!

Ok, so let's see...moving on the the first weekend of March....

Friday, February 29th - official D day for a friend of mine! She have been dealing with finalizing her divorce for quite sometime and instead of it being a sad day a bunch of us got together to hang out and remind her of her friends that are always there to support her! We had a blast! And I think she enjoyed hanging out with the girls to kick off this new phase. Oh and I love her new last name, she decided to change it from her married name.
Anyway, it's Meli and means "Honey", it just sounds so fun! I'm jealous b/c I have a fascination with fun last names and always joke with Jason about changing my name to something that sounds great when a sports announcer says it! This past Longhorn football season it was Bobino and Muckelroy that were my favorite names, ha ha!

Saturday, March 1st I was supposed to go up to Keller for Whitney's other shower and just to visit and see the nursery before Austin arrives. Well, that didn't happen. Instead I was sick to my stomach on my way there, I didn't even make it out of Austin. I came home and dealt with a stomach bug the rest of the day. And YES, it was a stomach bug, no morning sickness in this household. :)

Ok, geez, I haven't updated in awhile. Other things going on...again super busy at work
:( Babysat my niece a couple of weekends ago, she's 2 and she likes saying my name! Of course I like that too! Then this past weekend was her 2nd bday party and we did some yard work. I think that's got me caught up.
OH YEAH...and Whitney had baby Austin on Friday, March 14th! They are both doing great and are on their way home. Here's their first family picture - he's adorable!!!!

Shane, Whitney and Austin Cole Lumpkins! Congrats to both of you, I can't wait to come visit!!!
Coming up for the Ward's..... Easter, somewhat of a weekend off and then....our 5 yr anniversary trip to Paris, France!!!!!!! Can't wait!
Later! :)