Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Year, New Challenge

Torture Chamber. That's what they call it. At the beginning of this year I decided to finally commit to doing a Bikram Challenge. And it DOES feels like torture. 90 minutes, 105 degrees, 50% humidity and way too many people in one room. Some home I've made it through 17 of the 60 classes so now I'm over a quarter of the way complete. There are times during class I wonder if I'll make it through an entire class. But then there are days, like yesterday, that part way through in my most unfavorite pose, I break out into a smile and can't wipe off the stupid grin on my face the rest of the class. I still can't explain that one.

This past year has been very challenging. Jason starting a business and some uncertaintity in my job both contributed to a hectic year. So my goal for 2011 is to focus on simplifying some things in our lives. I've now been vegan for 2 years but until recently haven't maintained a steady workout schedule, which is another very important side of being healthy. My job is important to me but as we have both learned, in the end business is business and you may not have that job forever, or even as long as you might like. The stress of having one person responsible for a business and then an employee's livelihood, kind of scary! Doing this yoga benefits me in so many ways, I am determined to make it through the 60 classes and get my free t-shirt! HA!

So here's to starting the year off with new challenges! I want to document this yoga "journey" as I'm curious what changes I'll see in the 60-ish days of the challenge. My goal for this week's practice is to quiet my mind and just breathe. That is a struggle for this type-A personality with personal space issues in a packed room with sweating strangers only a couple inches away from me. We shall see....