Friday, April 18, 2008

We're back!

Yes, we made it back! We got in last Saturday but this has been a crazy week at work and we're still working on loading our pics...we have close to 1000!!!! I'm hoping to have that done later today and will post the details then. Although we had a great time there are so many things I appreciate about being home. :) And I know that Sadie was glad to have us back as well - poor kitty, she missed us a lot and I sure missed her!

Ok, back later, hopefully with pics!

Au revoir!


Joni & Al said...

Welcome back, can't wait to hear all about it!!

Keith-Suzanne said...

WOO!!! 1000 pictures!! I can't wait to see some of them!

Whitney said...

Yep, STILL waiting on those pics Bethie Poo...

Keith-Suzanne said...

This is torture...

Whitney said...

I'm about to stop checking your blog ho! post some pictures of something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there is NO excuse- I have a newborn that won't sleep for longer than an hr at a time during the day- and I still post pics!