Monday, December 29, 2008

8 Things about ME

I was tagged by Elizabeth and figured I needed to post something... :)

8 TV shows I watch:
1) The Office
2) Fringe
3) Brothers and Sisters
4) Grey's Anatomy
5) The Bachelor
6) What Not to Wear
7) Family Guy
8) Any chick flick on the movie channels!

8 Favorite Restaurants
1) El Mercado
2) Austin Java
3) Clay Pit
4) Hula Hut!
5) Mr. Natural
6) Maudie's
7) Thai Passion
8) Apple Annie's

8 Things that happened Today
1) woke up too early considering I'm off work
2) took my car in to get a new windshield
3) shopped at Academy and Best Buy
4) ate lunch at Twin Peaks - yes, it's like Hooters, not sure how I was convinced to do that
5) bagged up some old clothes to take to Goodwill
6) got bag ready for spa day tomorrow!
7) put up all the holiday wrapping paper and ribbon
8) made a fire

8 Things I look forward to
1) Day at Lake Austin Spa on Tuesday!
2) 2009
3) New episodes of The Office
4) The UT/Ohio State game on Jan 5th
5) the new Bachelor on Jan 5th - this will be dvr'd
6) ski trip in January
7) sleeping in for a few more days
8) our patio being finished!!!

8 Things I wish for
1) more patience at work
2) more appreciation for having a job with a good company
3) an end to the poor economy
4) to be able to run the Cap 10K
5) to be a better vegan
6) this next year to not go by so quickly
7) see out of town friends sooner than later!
8) positive ending of cancer for my friends that are going through treatments

8 People I tag!
1) Renee
2) Whitney
3) Joni
4) Suzanne D
Ok this is sad, I don't know if I really have anyone else to tag! ha ha!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

WOO HOO! Thanks for posting!!