Sunday, February 6, 2011

Half Way Done!!!

Sweat. Lots and lots of SWEAT! yuck! On Saturday, February 5th I officially made it to the half way point in the Bikram challenge, 30 classes are complete and for me, 21 days of enduring the heat since my last day off. Have I seen any improvement since the day I started, Jan 2nd? Yes and no. Some days I have a great class and feel like I'm making a ton of progress, yesterday was one of those days. I kicked out, briefly, in the "standing head to knee" pose. That was quite an accomplishment considering how I lack any coordination or balance, just the fact that I'm not falling right away when I stand on one leg is amazing, HA! I know I will probably never be flexible enough to be in a yoga competition but I would like to do some of the postures better than I do today. In my 60th class I really really hope that I can hold onto my feet in Camel, right now I can barely grab one.

I also have a lot of "mental" goals for the next 30 days....
- quiet my mind; stop making grocery lists, thinking about things I need to do at home/work and all those other little thoughts that creep into my mind when I am desperately trying to grab my feet in Camel and Rabbit
- limit the mental freak out when I see someones sweat fall onto my towel/mat. I know I am shooting eye daggers at them when I drop falls, but it's not their fault, the room is packed and they are just trying to do yoga too. I should be more understanding, there might be a day when I accidentally sweat on someone else's towel...although not likely ;)
- stop judging myself. No one is perfect and as I overheard someone say before class the other day, everyone has their demons. As long as I continue to go and try then I will continue to grow and improve. As they say, you get 100% benefit if you do the pose correctly, depth is just an extra.
- keep up the determination to finish this challenge...because I get a free t-shirt! ha ha!

I guess we'll see what happens in the hot room tomorrow!

1 comment:

Joni & Al said...

Congrats! That's no small feat. I too have the same issue of quieting my mind when I do yoga. I'm working on it and just hope to make small progress as time goes on.
Good luck to you@